STA & Respite

Our respite and day services are catered uniquely to the participants spending their time with us. We thrive on creating safe and comfortable environments to provide the best care your loved ones can experience whilst being encouraged towards independent living. 

To ensure the best compatibility and comfortability we offer to engage in meet n greet sessions in out residential properties with participants and guardians, to ensure that the location is best suited to them and they feel at ease to attend out services.

Whether it would be to learn new skills, take a break from daily routines or even to explore new paths for the participants, our dedicated Support Workers will be there to guide and uplift all participants to complete daily tasks, household chores alongside their activities.

What is the service?

Short Term Accommodation and Respite care at BJ Care Services provides day and sleepovers in our respite houses with plans catered to the participants needs including medicinal practices, meals, and skill growth, giving primary caregivers a break from living with individuals of high behaviours the support during times of emotional and psychological stress.

Respite care opens the opportunity for participants to expand their experiences socially and personally as we encourage schedules catered to their passions, preferences, and planned goals to get the most from their stay.

Types of Respite Accommodations:

  • Business owned residential facilities.
  • Community-based programs.
  • Supported independent living (SIL).
  • Group activities community outings and access. 

We offer for participants and primary caregivers tours and introductions into our houses to choose an accommodation that best suits the participants preferences and needs.


BJ Care Services recognises the importance of respite accommodations, which not only offers relief for caregivers but also fosters opportunities for individuals with disabilities to enhance independence and social inclusion. Through our tailored services, participants can engage in activities that promote personal growth and community integration. We believe in enjoying life to the fullest and ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, is included. That’s why we are dedicated to discovering and sharing inclusive activities with our community.

Activities include:
  • Movie nights
  • Sensory based activities 
  • Spa
  • Special events
  • Swimming
  • Going to parks and picnic 
  • Paddle boarding
  • Sports clubs
  • Play centres.
  • Social events
  • Arts & Craft
  • Sailing
  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Cooking
  • Ten pin bowling

And so much more! We are always open to exploring and partnering with new organisations for our participants passions.

Individualized Care

Recognising the uniqueness of each individual’s needs and their goals during respite support to provide a healthy, safe, and comfortable environment. The focus is on meeting the specific requirements of each participant, ensuring a positive experience during their stay.

Participant choice and control:

We recognise the importance of self-care and supporting independency within participants wellbeing as a result we also encourage and supervise by working alongside participants to achieve goals of maintaining progression. And we always find a way to turn the action into an activity for the better understanding and participation from the participant. From tiding up their own belongings into a chest just for them, to cleaning up some dishes. 

We also encourage and engage participants to participate in outdoor and indoor activities tailored to their needs and strengths, we believe in a healthy body leading to a healthy mind. Working together with the participant by our support workers and our partners, participants can attend our wide range of activities we help providers service within their Behaviour Support Plan.

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